Accomplished Adjuncts
Welcome to our new page, Accomplished Adjuncts! Each month, we will feature our awesome adjunct faculty members and the notable things they accomplish throughout the year school year.
Please read on to view what your colleagues have been up to and join us in recognizing this month's Accomplished Adjuncts!
Bonniejean Alford, Sociology, was recognized as 2022 NEA Higher Educator of the Year
Sarah Magin, English, was the winner of the 2021-2022 College-Wide Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award and her achievement will be recognized at this year's commencement ceremony.
Jen Propp, English, was a finalist in the Boston Screenplay Awards for her short screenplay, Party of Four
Aaron Bartolome, Philosophy, published his article, "Private evidence for atheism" in the journal, Religious Studies
Kimberly Groves, English, was accepted into Michigan State's Doctoral Program for Rhetoric and Writing and was awarded a Fellowship opportunity as well
Wendy Throup-Pavlick, Student Success Counselor, completed a Lifestyle Medicine for Coaches course, earning a Lifestyle Medicine Coach certificate through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Elizabeth Moxley, Nursing, received a fellowship from the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurse's Association
David Rokos, Motion Picture/Television, began a new job as Senior Video Editor at Argonne National Labs
Christy Carter, Communication Arts, completed a year-long Social Justice and Leadership certificate
Melissa Victor, Cosmetology, in addition to her other accomplishments, is graduating this spring with honors with a bachelor's in Business Applied Management from Northwood University
Chris Baker, Philosophy and Religious Studies, published a book chapter and has a book coming out next month
Elizabeth Kowal, Hospitality & Tourism, in addition to her other accomplishments, earned her 5 year service pin from COD
Janet Nogowski, English, completed and received ACUE certification
Elizabeth Shaffer-McCarthy, Biology, contributed a chapter to a book and has authored three virtual laboratories for Pearson: Protein Structure and Synthesis, Genetics, and now Cells
Carol Nemecek-Kowalski, American Sign Language, received an award from Deaf Women United as Deaf Women United Herstory Honor March 2022 and become an honored member of the Hall of Fame as a Civic Leadership at Illinois School for the Deaf Association Alumni
Jim Martincic, Music, among other accomplishments, received the Voice Over IP Telephony Specialist and Internetworking Technician certificates from COD